Angel Readings
Mikaelah is a Conscious Channel and Spiritual Healer for the Ascended Masters, and for your Angels, Guides and Higher Self. She has taught classes internationally on vibrational healing, meeting your Angels, channeling and Ascension for over 38 years.
Her education includes a Ph.D. in psychology, brain research and aging, training in clairvoyance and spiritual energy healing, Alchemical Hypnotherapy, Jin Shin Jyutsu® (acupressure), special activations from the Ascended Masters to share assistance with Initiation and Ascension and many years working as a spiritual counselor and teacher.
Feel the Presence of Divine Beings as they share their Wisdom, Love, and Healing while Mikaelah holds their Field of Light. She has helped hundreds to work more closely with their Guides and Angels and to have a direct and meaningful experience with their I AM Presence.
(Please review the kinds of readings available, and take some time to select what you are choosing and any important questions you wish to ask. Then click this link to select either a 1/2 hour or 1 hour session. https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=15041943. If you have any questions about a different time or other concern, please email Mikaelah at soulstarservices@gmail.com.)
Your Angel Reading might include
- Answers to personal questions such as: what can you tell me about my relationship with…?; who are my guides?; how is my spiritual progress? Please scan my body and look for blocks, issues, etc.
- Spiritual counseling & higher teachings.
- Practical information, love and support from your Angels and Higher Self.
- Harmonizing and balancing your energy body: meridians, chakras, & aura.
- Special healing and self-mastery Tools for Transformation to provide you with what you need for greater health, clarity, freedom, and empowerment. Fast, easy, powerful.
Personal Mastery Sessions
Star Nation Light Body Activation –
This Spiritual Activation Gift from the Star Beings was given to Mikaelah over 20 years ago and only a few have been privileged to receive it. Does your soul call you to receive this? Open and activate your Star Grids, receive new encodements of your Divine Plan and receive and integrate new levels of the Higher Self and I AM Presence.
Spiritual Initiation and Ascension Assistance –
Mikaelah has been directly trained by the Ascended Masters for over 30 years to offer you the exact assistance you need to step into your next level of consciousness and open to new levels of love, wisdom and power as you release all that no longer serves you as you move beyond your previous level of consciousness.
Embodying Your Divine Presence
Another of Mikaelah’s unique spiritual gifts is to assist you in connecting with, and ultimately embodying, your I Am Presence. This is the fulfillment of the Divine Plan for each one on Earth. In so doing you step into the fullness of God’s Divine Design for you and your ability to serve humanity and all life from the Oneness of your human/Divine interface during the Earth’s Ascension into the 5th Dimension. We wish to assure you that this process is one of eternal expansion and growth, not a one time event.
During the most recent Spiritual Awakening process now being activated for humanity, many very advanced souls are awakening. They are often unaware of various of the direct uses of new age/new thought terminology and the latest tools and understandings in working with light, spiritual guides, angels and teachers and how to keep themselves clear of negativity from the surrounding culture. In addition, we have noticed that due to the increasing light on the planet we are being rapidly raised into the 5th Dimension and there are certain simple but highly important ‘details’ that are very important to be aware of in order to experience this “transition of the ages” with Ease and Grace.
Tools for Transformation
Explore fast, easy, effortless tools that have proven important at all levels of consciousness from Beginning to Advanced. Especially important for this time of rapid transformation and spiritual upgrades. Classes have already been recorded and are now available.